Thursday 28 March 2013

Food additives list

A list of most types of food additives


Food acids are added to make flavors "sharper", and also act as preservatives and antioxidants. Common food acids include vinegar, citric acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, fumaric acid, and lactic acid.

Acidity regulators

Acidity regulators are used to change or otherwise control the acidity and alkalinity of foods. 

Anticaking agents

Anticaking agents keep powders such as milk powder from caking or sticking. 

Antifoaming agents

Antifoaming agents reduce or prevent foaming in foods. 


Antioxidants such as vitamin C act as preservatives by inhibiting the effects of oxygen on food, and can be beneficial to health. 

Bulking agents

Bulking agents such as starch are additives that increase the bulk of a food without affecting its taste.

Food coloring

Colorings are added to food to replace colors lost during preparation, or to make food look more attractive. 

Color retention agents

In contrast to colorings, color retention agents are used to preserve a food's existing color. 


Emulsifiers allow water and oils to remain mixed together in an emulsion, as in mayonnaise, ice cream, and homogenized milk.


Flavors are additives that give food a particular taste or smell, and may be derived from natural ingredients or created artificially. 

Flavor enhancers

Flavor enhancers enhance a food's existing flavors. They may be extracted from natural sources (through distillation, solvent extraction, maceration, among other methods) or created artificially. 

Flour treatment agents

Flour treatment agents are added to flour to improve its color or its use in baking. 

Glazing agents

Glazing agents provide a shiny appearance or protective coating to foods. 


Humectants prevent foods from drying out. 

Tracer gas

Tracer gas allow for package integrity testing to prevent foods from being exposed to atmosphere, thus guaranteeing shelf life. 


Preservatives prevent or inhibit spoilage of food due to fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms. 


Stabilizers, thickeners and gelling agents, like agar or pectin (used in jam for example) give foods a firmer texture. While they are not true emulsifiers, they help to stabilize emulsions. 


Sweeteners are added to foods for flavoring. Sweeteners other than sugar are added to keep the food energy (calories) low, or because they have beneficial effects for diabetes mellitus and tooth decay and diarrhea. 


Thickeners are substances which, when added to the mixture, increase its viscosity without substantially modifying its other properties.

What are food additives ?

food additives

Food additives are substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance its taste and appearance. Some additives have been used for centuries; for example, preserving food by pickling (with vinegar), salting, as with bacon, preserving sweets or using sulfur dioxide as in some wines. ...

also called food preservatives. These are substances contained in certain foods that can trigger headaches. MSG, nitrates, or phenylethalamine are examples of food additives.

Any substance or mixture of substances other than the basic foodstuff present in a food as a result of any phase of production, processing, packaging, storage, transport or handling. ...

with a best practice, the items should be presented by their approved names (i.e. domestically), functional classes, and numbers of International Numbering System (INS) or equivalent ^[2]. ...

Food additives are substances added intentionally to foodstuffs to perform certain technological functions, for example to color, to sweeten or to preserve.

Ingredients added to foods that can cause glycation which stiffens protein fibers. Aspertame, nitrates and MSG should be avoided.

Chemicals added to food to delay spoilage, enhance flavor and color, or increase the nutrient content. Although considered safe when used at government approved levels, additives can become chemical hazards if they are used at higher than specified levels.

Synthetic food additives are found in nearly all nonorganic processed foods to extend their shelf life. Organic processed foods may also contain natural additives, and in some cases, even one of a handful of synthetic additives permitted by the NOP.

also known as food preservatives. For example substances like: tyramine (found in aged cheese), phenylethylamine (found in chocolate), histamine (red wine and beers), nitrates (processed meats), and MSG (added to some Chinese foods) are known triggers to people who are sensitive.